MYNEWHOLLAND - User registration

Welcome to MYNEWHOLLAND! Fill the form below to register to the portal and access unique features and tools. .

  • Business Information
  • Done!
* Mandatory field

Fill in all required fields

Email incorrect The email address is too long
This field is mandatory
Password does not match the requirements
Your password must have a minimum length of 8 characters and contain at least 1 upper case and 1 lower case letter, 1 number and 1 special character. Special characters permitted are ! ? £ $ % & = @ # + ^
Passwords are not the same

This email has already been registered in other CNH Industrial or New Holland portals !

Just login into MYNEWHOLLAND with the same username and password you have previously used!.


MYNEWHOLLAND - User registration

Welcome to MYNEWHOLLAND! Fill the form below to register to the portal and access unique features and tools. .

  • Business Information
  • Done!
* Mandatory field

Insert Company Address

This field is mandatory

Insert Company Info

Use here the name of your company or, in case you are an individual farmer, use your name and surname. .
Insert here your company business ID

It seems the company you are trying to register already exists! !

Check the data you have inserted and change the Business ID to register a new company, or confirm your e-mail address in the field below, so we can send a request to your admin to grant permissions to access. .

Email incorrect

The VAT number you are trying to enter is invalid

Please check the VAT number you have enter; it must be a real one to identify your ocmpany uniquely.

MYNEWHOLLAND - User registration

  • Business Information
  • Done!


Thank you for joining MYNEWHOLLAND portal! Now:
Your Farm Manager has been notified.
We sent your request to your company's admin.
Check your email account
Find an email by MYNEWHOLLAND and confirm your account!!
Click on the Activate Account !
You are now done and can login in the portal!
Enter your email and password and start working smarter. !